
QSI Supervisory Board.

The main role of the Supervisory Board (SB) of the network is to oversee the entire programme conduct and to have overall responsibility for decision making in all the areas related to the network-wide training and research activities, as well as for all the communication with the European Commission (EC).

In particular, the responsibilities and tasks of the SB, include the following:

  • To ensure that the needs of each Doctoral Candidate (DC) are met through provision of high quality scientific and technical training, complementary-skill (CS) training, individual research projects and meaningful exposure to industry and other sectors.
  • To formally ratify the individual career development plans of the DCs and to review the progress of the DCs against these plans.
  • To review progress against the stated objectives, milestones and deliverables, and approve variations of the plans as required and as opportunities arise.
  • To oversee the initial recruitment process of the DCs, ensuring that a consistent recruitment process is applied to every DC.
  • To take overall responsibility for ethics, ensuring all necessary approvals are obtained and offering advice as necessary.
  • To develop ways of ensuring continued cooperation between the partners after the life of the project, including exploring opportunities to maintain and develop training and research activities.

Needless to say, the SB will ensure that all activities within the network respect basic European values such as respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, and the rule of law and human rights, including the rights of minorities, and they are carried out in line with the highest ethical standards and the applicable EU, international and national law on ethical principles, as described within the Grant Agreement. In addition, the SB will take measures to promote equal opportunities between men and women in the implementation of the action and, where applicable, in line with the gender equality plan.

Prof Marcos Curty  Universidad de Vigo (UVIGO)  Coordinator; UVIGO Rep; MEG member; Chair of RTC; FG Member
Prof Christian Schaffner  Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)  Director of Training; UvA Rep; MEG member; RTC Member
Prof Eleni Diamanti  Sorbonne Université (SU)  Director of Research; SU Rep; MEG member; Deputy Chair of RTC; DIC Member
Dr. Andrew Shields  Toshiba Europe Limited  (TOSHEU)  Chair of the IAB; TOSHEU Rep; MEG member; RTC/DIC Member
Prof Mohsen Razavi  University of Leeds (ULEEDS)  Chair of DIC; ULEEDS Rep; MEG member; RTC Member
Prof Alexander May  Ruhr- Universität Bochum (RUB)  Deputy Coordinator; RUB Rep; Member of RC
Prof Paolo Villoresi  Università Degli Studi di Padova (UNIPD)  Deputy Director of Research; UNIPD Rep
Prof Andreas Hülsing  Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e)  Deputy Director of Training; TU/e Rep
Dr. Robert Thew  Universite de Geneve (UNIGE)  Deputy Chair of DIC; UNIGE Rep
Dr. Gianluca Boso  ID Quantique SA (IDQUANTIQUESA)  Deputy Chair of IAB; IDQUANTIQUESA Rep
Prof Christian Majenz  Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)  Member of TC; DTU Rep
APs Scientific ContactsMembers of RC/TC/DIC; AP Rep by rotation
DCMember of RC/TC/DIC; DC Rep by rotation
(DIC): Dissemination & Impact Committee.
(FG): Finance Group.
(IAB): Industrial Advisory Board.
(MEG): Management Executive Group.
(RTC): Recruitment Committee.
(Rep): Representative
(RC): Research Committee.
(TC): Training Committee.