QSI Green Chapter
Within the QSI project, we try that all our activities are in accordance with the general principles defined in the MSCA Green Chapter, MSCA Green Charter – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
In particular, we have organized and promoted online meetings since the beginning of the project to reduce as much as possible the need for travelling and encourage the use of digital files to handle information. Moreover, we organize our project events under the principle of sustainability, grouping several events together, again to avoid travel. For instance, each of the three complementary skills workshops has been organised together with another project event (the KO meeting, the School on PQC, and the QSI workshop, respectively). Also, we celebrate in-person Supervisory Boards meetings only during these planned in-person events.
In addition, we encourage all the members of the QSI project to use low-emission forms of transport such as public transport and train for medium and long distances.
On top of this, all our institutions are very active in sustainability, use green energy, have established a waste separation method, and follow the guideline of reduce, reuse and recycle inter alia.
Here we detail the recommendations and best practises given to our Doctoral Candidates:
- The materials we must use are sustainable, allowing us to move towards a circular economy and climate neutrality.
- We raise awareness among our colleagues about the importance of responsible and sustainable consumption.
- We must work with suppliers who are committed to environmental respect.
- We must prioritize acquiring energy-efficient materials (such as computers, printers, photocopiers, and faxes) and products that are rechargeable, reusable, or recyclable (like ink cartridges, batteries, etc.).
- We must minimize the use of disposable or single-use products, favouring those that are rechargeable, such as rechargeable batteries, and avoiding disposable cups.
- We must promote internal practices that minimize paper consumption and we print only what is strictly necessary.
- Our internal communication system must be based on new technologies (intranet, email, digital signatures, social media, etc.).
- We must rigorously follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on usage conditions, dosage, recharging, optimal usage times, expiration dates, etc., to ensure correct use of devices and minimize their impact on consumption and durability.We must promote a healthy lifestyle, including shared meals in the workplace.
- We must use water responsibly and we do not dispose of waste in the toilets. The toilet is not a trash bin. By doing so, we help reduce water consumption, prevent contamination of wastewater, and avoid pollution.
- We must make the most of natural lighting whenever possible and keep desk lamps and computer screens clean to enhance brightness. We must turn off lights in unoccupied spaces.
- We must optimize email communications by avoiding unnecessary messages, attachments, and deleting those that are no longer needed.
- We must store only the digital data that is strictly necessary, eliminating duplicate, large, and unnecessary files.
- We must turn off electronic devices when not in use, avoiding prolonged “sleep” modes and keep only the necessary peripherals plugged into the computer.
- We use climate control devices only when needed, turning off air conditioning or heating systems in unoccupied spaces and we must set the climate control equipment to optimal comfort ranges, maintaining an office temperature of 23-25°C in summer and 21-23°C in winter. It is important to prevent energy dissipation and temperature loss by keeping doors and windows closed.
Waste and Residues:
- We must establish a waste separation method based on plastic, paper, cardboard, glass, etc., and therefore also practice selective collection. We provide appropriate containers for proper sorting and we must promote waste minimization through the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
- We must strive to plan our trips in a sustainable manner, prioritizing direct flights whenever possible and we always encourage the use of public transportation.
- We promote carpooling and the use of bicycles when possible, we support agile remote work and working from home.