QSI benefits from a sweep of experienced researchers and academics on its supervisory teams. We have ensured that each supervisory team involves, at both local and network levels, senior supervisors from academia and industry.

Lead Scientists

Mohsen Razavi
University of Leeds
Gianluca Boso
ID Quantique
Alex Bredariol-Grilo
Sorbonne University
Giuseppe Vallone
University of Padova
Alexander May
Bochum University
Christian Schaffner
University of Amsterdam
Florian Speelman
University of Amsterdam
Andreas Hülsing
Eindhoven University
Kathrin Hövelmanns
Eindhoven University
Christian Majenz
University of Denmark
Robert Thew
University of Geneva
Felix Bussieres
ID Quantique
Andrew Shields
Eleni Diamanti
Sorbonne University
Robert Woodward
Marcos Curty
University of Vigo
Paolo Villoresi
University of Padova

Doctoral Candidates

Álvaro Yángüez Bachiller
Doctoral Candidate.
Alessandro Marcomini
Doctoral Candidate.
Vaisakh Mannalath
Doctoral Candidate.
Javier Rey Domínguez
Doctoral Candidate.
Fabrizio Sisinni
Doctoral Candidate.
Massimo Ostuzzi
Doctoral Candidate.
Sergio Juárez
Doctoral Candidate.
Loïc Millet
Doctoral Candidate.
Shashank Kumar
Doctoral Candidate.
Silvia Ritsch
Doctoral Candidate.
Gina Muuss
Doctoral Candidate.
Matías R. Bolaños Wagner
Doctoral Candidate.

External Secondment Supervisors

Kiyoshi Tamaki
University of Toyama
Marc Kaplan
Joppe W. Bos
Anne Broadbent
University of Ottawa
Koji Azuma


QSI includes a set of strategically chosen beneficiary and associated partners with complementary expertises in the field of quantum-safe cryptography. The former host and supervise the Doctoral Candidates, while the latter add value to the programme by offering secondments and contributing to the training events and dissemination activities.