Our planned training programme includes innovative outreach and dissemination activities, which concern the dissemination of scientific results to different target audiences including a non-specialist audience, as well as to engage with policy-makers. 

Outreach activities by Álvaro Yángüez. The Doctoral Candidate Álvaro Yángüez took part twi…
Outreach activity by Loïc Millet. The Doctoral Candidate Loïc Millet took part in the Nuit de …
Outreach activity by Silvia Ritsch. The Doctoral Candidate Silvia Ritsch took part in the Soapbox…
Outreach activity by Javier Rey Domínguez. The Doctoral Candidate Javier Rey Domínguez took pa…


QSI includes a set of strategically chosen beneficiary and associated partners with complementary expertises in the field of Quantum-Safe cryptography. The former host and supervise the Doctoral Candidates, while the latter add value to the programme by offering secondments and contributing to the training events and dissemination activities.