Joppe W. Bos

About me

Joppe W. Bos is a technical director and cryptographic researcher at the Competence Center for Cryptography and Security at NXP Semiconductors, where he’s the technical lead of the Post-Quantum Cryptography team and manages the Crypto Concepts team. Joppe is a co-author of the post-quantum secure CRYSTALS-Kyber key encapsulation mechanism, which has been selected by NIST for standardization. He served from 2017 to 2022 as the Secretary of the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), is the co-editor of the IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive and serves as one of the Editor-in-Chiefs for the IACR Communications in Cryptology. Previously, he was a post-doctoral researcher in the Cryptography Research Group at Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA. He obtained his PhD in the laboratory for cryptologic algorithms at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland under supervision of Prof. Arjen Lenstra in 2012.