Shashank Kumar

Doctoral Candidate.
About me

Shashank graduated from the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, India, in 2019, with an integrated B.Tech in Engineering Physics and M.Tech in Optical Engineering.

He previously worked as a Scientist/Engineer in the Quantum Technology Group at the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), developed payloads for quantum entanglement studies in space. His work included development of payload for quantum entanglement studies in space, demonstration of decoy state QKD protocol and BBM92 protocol over free space, and the successful implementation of an optocoupler-based random number generator.

Earlier, He did his master thesis in Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru, India on a Imaging through turbid media, where he did experiments to image through dense fog and wrote a research article titled “Imaging through fog using quadrature lock-in discrimination” under supervision of Prof. Hema Ramachandran and Prof. Fabien Bretenaker.

Currently, Shashank is a doctoral researcher in the Quantum Technologies group at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, under the supervision of Rob Thew. His research, part of the MSCA QSI project, focuses on network designs and operation, the co-existence of quantum and classical signals in optical networks, and the development of next-generation QKD systems to optimise their performance and integration in optical networks.