Journal Papers

  • V. Mannalath, A. Pathak: “Multiparty entanglement routing in quantum networks”, Phys. Rev. A 108, 062614 (2023). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.108.062614.

  • J. Rey-Domínguez, A. Navarrete, P. van Loock, and M. Curty: “Hacking coherent-one-way quantum key distribution with present-day technology”, Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 035044 (2024). DOI: 10.1088/2058-9565/ad4f0c.


  • N. Alnahawi, K. Hövelmanns, A. Hülsing, S. Ritsch, and A. Wiesmaier. Towards post-quantum secure PAKE – A tight security proof for OCAKE iPR model. Currently submitted to EUROCRYPT. Preprint to be found at
  • A. May, M. Ostuzzi, “Multiple Group Action Dlogs with(out) Precomputation”, (2024). Currently submitted, preprint to be found at    


  • A. Innocenzi, V. Yacoub, Á. Yángüez, P. Lefebvre, A. B. Grilo,E. Diamanti, “Experimental implementation of Simulation secure Quantum Oblivious Transfer”, 1st Colloquium GdR TeQ “Quantum Technologies”, University of Montpellier, France, November 22-24 (2023).
  • Berra F., Agnesi C., Karakosta-Amarantidou I., Avesani M., Bolaños M., De Toni A., Stanco A., Picciariello F., Vedovato F., Laurenti N., Villoresi P., Vallone G., “High speed source for satellite quantum key distribution”. IAC2023, Baku, Azerbaijan, 1-7 October 2023.
  • F. Berra, M. Bolaños, C. Agnesi, M. Avesani, A. Stanco, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, “Quantum Key Distribution at 1 GHz and time-tagging system development”, 108a Reunión Anual de la Asociación de Física Argentina, 19th to the 22nd of September, 2023.
  • A. Marcomini, G. Currás-Lorenzo, D. Rusca, M. Curty, “Characterising higher-order phase correlations in gain-switched laser sources with application to decoy-state QKD”, “Primera Reunión Nacional del Plan Complementario de Comunicacione Cuánticas”, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), September 19-21, 2023.
  • A. Marcomini, G. Currás-Lorenzo, D. Rusca, M. Curty, “Characterising higher-order phase correlations in gain-switched laser sources with application to decoy-state QKD”, 13th international conference on quantum cryptography (QCRYPT2023), University of Maryland, USA, 14 August–18 August 2023.
  • V. Mannalath, “Multiparty Entanglement Routing in Quantum Networks”, Quantum Technologies for Young Researchers Workshop held at Instituto de Química Física Blas Cabrera (IQF-CSIC) in Madrid from 4-7th July, 2023.


QSI includes a set of strategically chosen beneficiary and associated partners with complementary expertises in the field of Quantum-Safe cryptography. The former host and supervise the Doctoral Candidates, while the latter add value to the programme by offering secondments and contributing to the training events and dissemination activities.